
Dân trí – ‘High demand’ for jobs among young people studying Automation.

In the trend of globalization, is Automation really a hot industry? Do you understand correctly about the engineering sector that many enterprises are recruiting?

With its nature as an integrated technical field encompassing various technologies, offering attractive income opportunities, Automation in Vietnam still faces difficulties in recruiting high-quality workforce. Despite the attractive job prospects, many young people may not fully understand this specialized field.

Recently, Dân trí online newspaper in collaboration with FPT Polytechnic College organized an online seminar with the theme ‘Automation – A “high-demand” career in Industry 4.0’. The program featured Mr. Tran Van Nam – Director of FPT Polytechnic Ho Chi Minh City; Mr. Tran The Hien – Director of Industry Sector Siemens Vietnam; Mr. Tieu Van Dat – General Director of Dat Technical Company.

The online seminar provided readers with a comprehensive overview of the Automation industry and job opportunities in Industry 4.0.

Automation inherits and develops based on the advancements in other engineering fields such as computer engineering, processing and analysis of data, sensor technology, and communication technology. Automated control systems are becoming more advanced, integrating multiple technologies and features to meet the increasing demands for productivity and efficiency in factories.

Sharing insights into the current landscape of the Automation industry, Mr. Tran The Hien – Director of Siemens Vietnam’s Industry Sector, said: ‘Many large foreign enterprises have established bases in Vietnam, integrating Vietnam into the global supply chain and creating numerous job opportunities in Automation. However, to ensure stable automation processes, automation engineers with high professional standards are crucial.’

With this context, the potential for those studying Automation is vast, and young people should seize this opportunity.

Automation is a field with significant potential for future development.

One of the current concerns among many young people is the learning approach in the Automation field today. Mr. Tran Van Nam – Director of FPT Polytechnic Ho Chi Minh City, stated: ‘Our Advanced Diploma in Control Engineering and Automation Technology is designed to train students in designing, deploying, operating, and maintaining automated control systems and equipment. The curriculum is built based on industry requirements to ensure that graduates are capable of performing tasks required by recruiting enterprises.’

The Automation training program at FPT Polytechnic is developed according to international CDIO standards.

Moreover, Mr. Tran Van Nam emphasized that the training program at FPT Polytechnic College is built according to international CDIO standards with the goal of training based on outcome standards to meet market demands, designing training programs that combine practical training and continuous improvement and updates.

Also at the seminar, from the perspective of a labor recruiting agency, Mr. Tieu Van Dat – General Director of Dat Technical Company, said: ‘Currently, graduates majoring in Automation will have many advantages after graduation. However, to build a solid and progressive career in Automation, students need to choose a suitable working environment and position that matches their capabilities and career development direction.’

Not only that, Mr. Tieu Van Dat also emphasized that whether graduating from college or university, the prerequisite condition is to master basic expertise, be proficient in practical skills, computer skills, and have good English language skills. In addition, other aspects such as diligence, patience, willingness to explore, passion, logical thinking, research, and creativity in work are also important considerations for young people, according to Mr. Dat.

The professional working environment of Automation Engineers is full of professionalism.

FPT Polytechnic College is a pioneering institution in proactively collaborating with enterprises in training and employment for students. Sharing this, Mr. Tran Van Nam said: ‘Currently, we are collaborating with over 30 enterprises in the Automation Control industry to ensure internship and practical training for students.

In the context of the ongoing pandemic, we are still maintaining the working method, connecting the three sides of the school – enterprises – students to organize practical activities with enterprises, ensuring that students adapt and are well prepared to work in a pandemic situation using technology for adapting and organizing activities for students through online tours, images, videos, and practical applications.’

FPT Polytechnic College is currently collaborating with over 30 enterprises in the Automation sector to support students in internships and employment after graduation.

In the context of global integration, Automation remains at the top with high income and promises an industry that will never fear unemployment in the present and future. Understanding and choosing the right profession will be a stepping stone for young people to secure stable and solid employment right after graduation.

(Source: https://dantri.com.vn/giao-duc-huong-nghiep/dat-viec-lam-cho-gioi-tre-khi-theo-hoc-tu-dong-hoa-20210823114450692.htm)


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