
DAT Group participates in voluntary blood donation, spreading a positive message for the community

On the morning of November 21, 2022, in response to the meaningful activities organized by the Red Cross, the Youth Union, and the Vietnam Youth League of Dong Hung Thuan Ward, District 12, DATers enthusiastically registered to participate in the Volunteer Blood Donation Day held at the Demo Center lobby, DAT Group’s office in Ho Chi Minh City.


The Volunteer Blood Donation Day program is annually organized by various organizations nationwide, receiving significant attention from local residents, employees of enterprises, youth members, and volunteers in wards. Hundreds and thousands of blood units are collected at these meaningful events.


Participating for the first time in the humanitarian Blood Donation Day 2022 organized at DAT Group, under the theme “One drop of blood given, a lifetime saved,” DATers not only demonstrated their sense of responsibility and active participation in social activities but also contributed their personal values, joining hands to create wonderful and positive impacts on community health.


Ms. Nguyen Thi Minh Thuy – Chairwoman of the Red Cross of Dong Hung Thuan Ward, shared more about the Volunteer Blood Donation Day and praised DAT Group’s enthusiastic participation in social activities: “This year, the Volunteer Blood Donation Day has received special attention and implementation from the local leadership and People’s Committee of Dong Hung Thuan Ward. Especially after the COVID pandemic, the National Institute of Hematology – Blood Transfusion needs a large number of blood units to address the shortage in receiving and treating patients in hospitals, providing life-saving opportunities for the less fortunate and seriously ill. I am also very impressed with the professional coordination efforts of DAT Group and the enthusiasm of the company’s employees who arrived early to participate in blood donation, contributing to the success of the program.”


Ms. Truong Cam Linh – Business Development Department employee, expressed her joy and enthusiasm for participating in the Volunteer Blood Donation Day: “I feel that this program brings high humanitarian significance, promotes mutual love and compassion, and helps DATers direct their hearts towards the community, contributing our efforts to bring hope and life to patients urgently in need of donated blood. It spreads the spirit of sharing among people in society. I hope that this program will be held annually. As long as I am in good health and eligible to donate blood, I am ready to register to participate with everyone.”


In addition to making noble contributions to the community, participants in the blood donation program also received free health consultations, blood tests, certificates of volunteer blood donation, practical gifts, thank-you cards, and local government support for expenses.


As one of the enterprises that always accompanies Dong Hung Thuan Ward, District 12 in many meaningful activities, DAT Group continues to leave a mark as a company that upholds the philosophy of “Benefit to Others and Ourselves”, pioneering in creating an ecosystem to enhance efficiency for customers, partners, and enhancing social responsibility, actively contributing to the community.


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