
DAT Team Building 2018: Successful Breakthrough!

From April 20 to April 23, 2018, DAT organized a teambuilding activity in Ham Thuan Nam District, Binh Thuan Province. Returning for the second time to the ‘land of dragon fruit,’ DAT’s team gathered with the aspirations of 100 members, stronger than ever, determined to achieve breakthrough success.

Teambuilding is an annual event by DAT aimed at fostering unity among department members through dynamic team activities. It also provides individuals with relaxation, rejuvenation, and creativity to continue pursuing new heights in their work.

Over the course of 3 days, the activities included thrilling challenges such as mountain climbing, sea crossing, rope courses, and wheel rolling, demanding endurance, intelligence, and skill. All DAT members worked together to overcome these challenges and achieved remarkable results.

Highlighting the program was a vibrant gala dinner in the evening. For the first time, a beauty pageant and bikini contest for both men and women were held, bringing laughter and applause to the 8 representative couples from 4 teams.

Amidst the lively atmosphere, the gala concluded with a pool party featuring an energetic and impressive DJ session. Regardless of department or team, all DAT members enthusiastically sang together and participated in various water games, showcasing excellent team spirit.

As the 2018 teambuilding journey concluded, the emotions in each member remained strong. In closing, borrowing a sentiment from Mr. Nguyen Duc Cau, a seasoned DAT member: ‘Every year participating in teambuilding, Cau has had very special experiences. DAT always shows enthusiasm and commitment in every challenge, never giving up in difficulties. I wish the whole team will keep this fire in their hearts to achieve even higher goals.’

DAT companytrip diary – 4/2018


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